In women, the loss of bone mineral density increases with age and menopause. However, regular physical activity helps strengthen the bones. Can training with elastic bands fight the age effects?
HIIT training improves cardiovascular endurance performance, but what is the difference between multiple protocols on performance gains for moderate-level runners ?
The benefits of interval training and those of an explosive training on muscular performance are well known. But what can cyclists expect from a combination of these two types of training ?
The Borg scale allows a valid and subjective assessment by the athlete of the intensity of the perceived effort. This method could be useful for the strength and conditioning of fighting sports.
The best way to enhance the training of high level athletes is to determine the physical characteristics linked to performance. Setting up adapted tests could be very useful.
The ability to generate high level of force as quickly as possible is a critical factor in many sports. To work this physical quality, there are different methodologies including variable resistance training with elastic bands...
The endurance and strength training cause distinct and often divergent adaptation mechanisms. This is why in sports where both of these qualities are necessary, it seems important to optimize the training periodization.
One of the most basic bodyweight exercise, push-ups allow gains in strength and muscular endurance in the trunk and upper limbs. To change the resistance, It is possible to raise the hands or feet' support. But how will it affect the resistance ?
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